4 A's of Facilitating Learning
A’s of
Facilitating Learning
Main Purpose
Activate prior knowledge
Make connections through sets of
Prepare the minds for new content
When to use the 4 A’s of Facilitating
The learning competency could be made
Some parts of the new lesson were
already learned
4 A’s Facilitating Format
1. Objectives
2. Subject Matter
3. Procedures
4. Preparatory Activities
5. Developmental Activities
6. Motivation
7. Activity
8. Analysis
9. Abstraction
10. Application
11. Generalization
12. Evaluation
13. Assignment
Activity –
(Activates prior knowledge)
- This will bring understanding to what the learners already know and
clarity to what learners should learn further. At this early stage, the student
should already have a retrospect of what they will be learning through the
activity that will be presented.
Analysis –
(Making connections through sets of questions)
- A more in-depth understanding of the lesson is another phase where the
students will process and classify what is valid and not. The teacher on this
part will ask further questions and will also lead as a facilitator rather than
mere lecturing and sharing facts and ideas. The students now gain a wider view
of the lesson but at the same time draw closer to the main topic.
– (Summarizing the new concept)
- The teacher on this part will now focus entirely on the lesson being
presented and ask more lead questions to lead the students in reinforcing what
they know and should know more. The student here starts to feel more the
importance of the lesson to her and see the necessity of it to his/her life.
– (Applying knowledge to a new situation)
- The word itself describes the stage as bringing the student to a more
practical way of using HOW are they going to use what they have learned and
thinking of new ways on how it can be improved further.